Sunday, July 03, 2005

Margarita perfection

There is nothing better to do to end a perfect day then have a perfect evening; and all perfect evenings must start with a perfect dinner. I know that it is a lot of perfect for one short sentence, and I know that perfection is hard to find. So I wont lie and say it was all perfect.. oh the day was, perfect that is, but the dinner not quite, although it almost was. The name was Margarita 's Fiesta Room, the place, Baldwin street. Oh and in case you don't know Baldwin, you should definitely start exploring, it is a great area for small, cosy wonderful food, but there I go, straying away from the subject. When we first entered the restaurant, latin music assaulted my hips and forced them to move of their own volition, left right, right, left, around, back and repeat. Although a tad embarassing at first, I was later happy to have burnt those few calories before dinner. First, I ordered a lime margarita, with salt rim of course. The glass they brought it in made me look small in comparison, and trust me, that is no easy feat. I almost had to use both hands just to lift it to my lips. I really did love the feeling though and oh the taste, well the fact that I almost emptied it on the first sip says a lot. Not that I was extremely thirsty though I was, or that I have a small problem with alcoholism ,which I don't, but that it was refreshing and had just the right amount of tartness. You know the kind that makes you screw up and crinkle your face , yet not so tart as to cause you worries regarding future wrinkles. So far, so good. I still had a big smile on my face, my bootie was still skaing, if only slightly so as to not get detected, and my tastebuds had been awakened and were eagerly awaiting the rest. We decided on one seafood tapa, namely the mussels in garlic and white wine sauce, I would say the name in Spanish if only I had learned the language, alas, I never did so I shall stick to English; and the original tacos. The food was quick to come, the mussels smelled great, and the tacos, although at first I was disapointed by the small size, that of a saucer as opposed to diner plate, ended up tasting quite wonderful. The meat was not minced but sliced, the tortilla corn bread, tasted just that, corn, it was in fact the best tortilla bread I had ever eaten. We inhaled the food. I am sorry we did, as maybe I would have liked to enjoy the taste a bit more, my excuse was, we were starving and our bodies refused to listened to our minds and tastebuds so they took control. After having put away the two plates, we decided to order another seafood tapa, the shrimps in tomatillo spicy sauce. Again it didnt last long. Although it was nice and flavourful, I got a tad tired of it after a few bite. Maybe it was my stomach rebelling against so much food, or my mouth rejecting the spicyness, whatever it was, it wasn't wonderful. It was not bad; don't get me wrong, it was tasty, just not the best spicy shrimps I ever had. But even saying that, I think I would order them again in the future. After all this, we wisely decided against desert. We lied against the booth, unbuttoned and unzippened our pant, and complained of fullness with oulas oulas. (Well. we did in our minds anyway, not very classy to do so in a public place. We did make up for it later on though.)
I would definetely go back to Margarita, even if it was a tad overpriced for the portion given. Service and ambience made up for it.
So go on and explore Baldwin street, and while you are there, do not forget to stop at Margarita's Fiesta Room and indulge yourlsef in soem margaritas and tapas.


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